What Kind of Input have to fill in NLPARAM Card

Hello friends,
While analysing the conduction Heat Transfer, I got error of NLPARM CARD IS required for this subcase.
I have already make new Load Collector and make Card Image : NLPARM and I don't understand which Kind of Inputs in this. I just only know abt KSTEP, that I have add UP.
I gone through Example OS-1080; But I have only pure thermal heat Transfer.
Please guide me.
Thank you,
Hi Nayak,
You had created a NLPARAM but did not refer the same in LoadStep. Please refer the NLPARAM in your loadstep if you have a non-linear load step.
The tutorial which you are referring did not have any Non-linear subcase.
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I have created 2 load collector heat_flux and struct_temp in which I have given spc_heat and for Load heat_flux and respectively for struct_temp I have given SPC- struct_temp and NLPARM- as NLPARM; but still I got error:
As per my theoretical knowledge I didn't understand how and where exaclty I have added heat flux and temperature data?
Make sure I am doing Non Linear Quasi-static and Heat Transfer Steady state Analysis.
Thank you
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I have doubt in my Load Collector Entries, As for Non linear Mechanical Loading we apply Tabled1 or related to that, for different steps or different node we can apply load. Now same like that How can I give Temperature Inputs to my Load Collector so they can apply while Load Steps?
Secondly do I have to do 2 different load steps for Non linear Quasi static and Heat Transfer Steady state?
Please guide me.....
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Hi Nayak,
If you have time dependent load you can go with transinet heat transfer analysis
Altair Forum User said:Secondly do I have to do 2 different load steps for Non linear Quasi static and Heat Transfer Steady state?
Yes, you need two load steps.
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In heat Transfer Do I also add any Degree of Freedom, for heat Transfer?
I did simple Analysis On my Element: for heat flux and Conduction as you can see in Example OS:1080, by De-selecting all degree of freedoms, apply SPC; LOAD as a Heat Flux . this time I didnt take NLPARM LOAD COLLECTOR Because the Load steps are Linear Static and Heat Transfer (Steady state) but still I got error of Degree of freedom
Please help me regarding that.....
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Hello Prakash, After your Advice, I did Time Varient Heat Transfer Analysis , which I can see also in Tut. No. 1090, But still I got ' A dependent d.o.f. of rigid elements is constrained in an SPC Set' error.
How can I know the grid is dependent with d.o.f and all......
I send you some of the Images of Errors
Please Guide me....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Hi Nayak,
Can you share the model file?
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I am sorry Prakash... I can't share Model file becase of Company Policy... But I can explain my Problem. If you can give me your E-Mail or I can give you mine..
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Look like you create SPC on nodes of rigid elements
In Optistruct user profile, enter menu Tools>Model Checker>OptiStruct
fix every 'RBE2 with constrained dependent nodes'