Questions regarding NLGEOM analysis

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A






in my analysis of a curve-drive-part is a rotation as SPC, solids for the curve-part (red) and a rigid-spider (blue) to transfer the rotation displacement to the solids.



I use an NLGEOM-analysis, because i want to simulate the contact between the other parts (not in picture) and the curve-part.



In this analysis the curve-part shows a strange deformation and the contact force is going very high.






There is no constraint or force, that explained the deformation.






Attached filses:






Topf_Start_1 - front view with a distance measure of 211.666



Topf_Start_2 - side view



Topf_End_1 - front with a distance measure of 201.110



Topf_End_2 - side view






It is  a model in optistruct, but for the solving is radioss used, because the large sliding contact.






I want to understand possibly failures in the model.













