Inspire not working

After a re-installation of the HyperWorks and solidThinking Student Editions I cannot start up Inspire anymore. All HyperWorks program can start up, as well as Evolve. The version of Inspire is 'Inspire 2016 5384 Student Edition'. The removal and re-installation is done according to the guidelines given. The license-file is valid until 2017-03-xx, and as all other software can start I do not think that would be the problem? Any help appreciated.
I tried doing what is mentioned in this thread, /index.php?/topic/967-inspire-wont-open/ , but that does not seem to work either.
Seems to be related to graphics, if I check the windows logs it is 'nvoglv64.DLL' that is the faulting module.
Any idea?
edit: nvidia graphics drivers*
edit 2: Solved it! I re-downloaded an earlier version of the graphics drivers and it worked. Does not seem to be working with the latest drivers as of 2016-08-30. '372.70-notebook-win10-64bit-international-whql' are the ones that did not work.