topology optimization

I made a file about topology optimization in RADIOSS. In my file there are two parts naming as “hg” and “sf”, the part “sf” is considered as rigid body. I want to make topology optimization about the part “hg” when there is a concentrated load pushing the part “sf”.
First, the implicit simulation is carried out while considering gravity loading of two parts. In order to remove the rigid body modes, the part “sf” is connected to fixed nodes via type 8 spring elements. It outputs an initial state file. Then I made an explicit simulation with a concentrated loading pushing the part “sf”. The explicit simulation includes the initial state file. At the same time, I made a .radopt file including optimization objective, design responses, design constraints. They are achieved through /DESOBJ, /DTPL, /DRESP1, /DONSTR options.
When I submitted the .radopt file in OptiStruct, it showed me one error.
*** ERROR # 4207 ***
/Invalid value in field “DTYP” on card /DTPL # 1.
According to the Online Help, there is only one option 1 can be used. And in the .radopt file the field “DTYP” is 1. I don’t know why it shows me the error.
Can anyone tell me why? Can the similar topology optimization be achieved through OptiStruct ?
I upload the ralated files.
Thank you in advance !
I am unable to open the file at my end.
Are you using any other manufacturing constraints?