Evo 2015 - Intel Video Driver Problem

win7 ultimate, Dell Latitude E6330 doing fine for days now blows the driver??
Did the Intel update, uninstalled 2014 just because, uninstalled-reinstalled 2015 still blows.
It may be that I'm lofting? It was doing fine very small part?
I'm importing point sets to create blend curves from, extruding profiles, edges, then loft to those & no problem.
Now clicking an extrusion it blows the driver, trying a rebuild from scratch, that file may be corrupt a thought.
Thanks for any thoughts or workarounds,
if you want to send the file and a description of what you are doing I'll take a look at it.
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Thanks for the offer Darren, it's not the file it's definitely a driver tied to an Intel card, you can't click, spent almost a day ... it's the right driver & all that handles win 7, 8 & 8.1 64-bit, it throws a 32-bit exception.
The workarounds for Latitude 6330's online don't work for the e-series, so can't use it, you click on anything that brings up the object menu it blows the screen, bummed.
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Ah, I see. One of our guys, Antonio, has notoriously been able to find some crazy solutions, especially in the area of drivers. I'll see if he can figure anything out, so he may be contacting you.
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Great, thanks ... hadn't given up yet, but hit a wall for sure.
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Hi Tom, I would try to go on the Preferences panel in the View tab, click Advanced OpenGL, disable all the checkboxes and restart the program.
This way Evolve uses the graphic card in a much more basic way and there are good chances to make it work.
This is just a first step to better understand the problem. Depending on the result we wiil then take some decisions.
Please let me know what happens afer you follow the steps above: if it still crashes or not.
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Kaching!!! ... tried just regular, crashed, had to uncheck advanced and it doesn't blow on the menu, back to working.
Endless thanks for the thought Antonio!!
cheers, tom