sizing with many design variables, auto property assign?

i have the following situation/problem:
I'm doing a sizing and have 450 design variables, the thickness of each group of shell elements (all elements on 1 face are of the same desvar). I created all properties, desvars and desrels using excel, but now need to assign the properties (ID 101, 102, 103 ... 550) to the respective elements.
elements from each face should have a different property. Is there a way to assign automatically existing properties (ideally in a certain ID range) to the elements (by face)? is there maybe a script available that does what i'm looking for: .... OR another ways in the optimization panel for sizing with many variables?
Thank you in advance,
We have multiple macros in script exchange for assigning material property to element. Requesting you to have a look at script exchange.(Access available for commercial customer)
Use property table and component table is also good.Both can be accessed from Utility browser or Tools menu>> component table/property table.
Since your objective is to carry out size optimization. Even you can try for Hyperstudy for size optimization where you can call your spread sheet for optimization.
Attached thumbnail for reference. For more details refer Hyperstudy tutorial.
Rahul R
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Hallo Mr. Rahul,
i have dowloaded the script from script exchange as you mentioned whiuch is named as (props_&_mats_auto) there are two problems:
1- this does not work to assign property in 1 component to different elements
2- this is done to assign property for different component only. and there is error it does not also work.
point 1 is important to me. May you check please and tel me how can i assign different different properties to MANY elements in 1 component Automatically. it takes to much time to do it with hand!.
happy to hear from you.