RADIOSS_Drop test
i am deepak, doing drop test for a two simple body in RADIOSS which are connected with bonded contact [type:10]. But it is giving problem, i need to know what type of contact we should use for when we are doing drop test, between the two simple bodies.
We were doing the same thing in abaqus, and we are using tie[bonded] contact.
Waiting for your reply!!!!
Thank you,
Deepak A G
Hi' date='
i am deepak, doing drop test for a two simple body in RADIOSS which are connected with bonded contact [type:10']. But it is giving problem, i need to know what type of contact we should use for when we are doing drop test, between the two simple bodies.
We were doing the same thing in abaqus, and we are using tie[bonded] contact.
Waiting for your reply!!!!
Thank you,
Deepak A G
If these bodies will hit a rigid plane, you don't need to define a second contact. Rigid plane has a setting to search the nodes in some raidus. But we use generally type 7 for most crash analyses. I recommend it.