Need help in Impact Analysis

I have done crash analysis of a component against a rigid wall/solid but now I wanna do impact test of one component on another. For the crash I created 2 rigid walls and added component nodes to it and created contacts between all surfaces of that one component.
Now i am using 2 solids, one of which is stationary and the other with some velocity. How to constraint the other body? Do i need to make any rigid walls? and what about interface? Do i need it for the solid component?
I am really new to this. Help is needed. Also if there is any tutorial specifically on impact of one on another kindly share or tell the difference between crash using rigid wall and this scenario.
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Thank you very much
But i need to observe the deformation of the body which is constraint. It is like an impact of a ball on a helmet. Cud you suggest a tutorial similar to this?
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Maybe this will help you. Please use the link below for a tip on how to make structure rigid.
You can use TYPE7 contact interface between stationary and moving bodies.