I... I... Must Be Missing Something. Is There Not A Way To Do Certain Things?

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

You can think of me as a super serious hobbyist work does machining on his own CNC machine in the garage. I have many years of machining experience but do not work in that industry.


Evolve popped up recently in a Google search that I did so I started to evaluate it. I've been looking for a new CAD package to compliment my CAM software and Evolve looks very promising. Having a native Macintosh version is a priority.


I use many CAD packages in the past and I'm looking to get away from Vectorworks/AutoCAD into something more... flexible and creative. That said, I have to deal with old designs that need to be converted from blue prints. I also do a fair amount of 2.5D work (cutting pockets and profiles of various parameters in sheets of materials). Real 3D work is also part of my repertoire.


I've been playing with Evolve for many hours now and have gone though the available training materials. I'm more than willing - and able - to learn new ways to do things... but I seem to be missing how to do what I would expect to easy things in a CAD package.


I will give a few very simplified examples as illustration.


A) Make a circle. Make another circle, one that doesn't overlap with the first.


   Is there a way to easily draw a line connecting the centers of the two circles?


image/emoticons/default_cool.png' alt='B)'> Make a rectangle.  Use the circle tool in diameter mode to put two circles on the ends. The circumference of the composite

    object now looks like a racetrack.


    How does one perform a boolean union of the three objects? I want to obtain the racetrack outline so that I can extrude or

    trim with it.


C) Make a rectangle. Make a smaller one inside it.


    Are there tools to center the smaller rectangle within the large one? Center right/left? Top/bottom? Both?


My gut feeling is there is a real winner of a CAD package here but I need some questions answered so I can make a proper evaluation.


Thanks for any answers,





  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2014

    DOH! I found snap to midpoint. I can find the center of the circles and draw the line just fine.


    Issue A is solve. Issue B and C I'm still stumped on.





  • Darren_Chilton
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2014

    Hi Mark,


    Thanks for contacting us.  There are several options for these questions.  I will work through a few of them in and video and send you the link shortly.



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2014

    Thanks Darren!


    Part of learning is partially unlearning the forms and techniques you've used in the past. I'm totally open to see things in a new light.


    Most of the training materials are very 3D oriented - which is fine for the 3D work I do - but I need to know how to do 2D and 2.5D stuff efficiently to make Evolve a worthwhile purchase.


    'Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'



  • Darren_Chilton
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2014

    I completely understand.  Here's a link to a quick video to keep you going.  Let us know if you have any more questions.





  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2014

    Thanks Darren! Totally awesome!


    It looks like 'thinking Evolve' is starting to soak in... It's very much a sort 'I knew that' kind of thing - conceptually - but taking in all of the 'newness' can be initially overwhelming. The 'fog of battle' is beginning to lift!



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2014

    The STL export video - it sounds like you're voice - is very good. I'll see how things work out... after I get some sleep.

