Tcl/Tk: リストから、空白だけを消したい
set original " 1 min length 1 1.0 10.00 7.750 3.250 1.000 0.000 0";
上記のような、文字列の変数があった場合に、「split $original」を実行すると、下記のように返ってきます。
{} 1 min length {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} 1 1.0 {} {} 10.00 {} {} 7.750 {} {} 3.250 {} {} 1.000 {} {} 0.000 {} {} {} {} {} {} 0
lremove -all [split $original] "{}"
⇒1 min length 1 1.0 10.00 7.750 3.250 1.000 0.000 0
I don't know what is actually being asked because I can't read the text but from the code an easier way to do this would just be:
set original [list 1 min length 1 1.0 10.00 7.750 3.250 1.000 0.000 0]
This will but all the items in a list with only one space between.
If you are looking for a comma separated list you could use:set original [join " 1 min length 1 1.0 10.00 7.750 3.250 1.000 0.000 0" ,]
If you are just wondering why the 'original' variable wasn't updated that is because lremove doesn't change the original list so you would have to set it to a variable. Like this
set spacesRemoved [lremove -all [split $original] "{}"]
Help this helps.