Running Radioss in Student Edition

I downloaded the Student Edition of hyperworks and I'm studying the effect of an impactor on a human skull.
I manage to set everything in Hypercrash, and then I don't know where to go because in the Student Edition Radioss is not available as a stand alone software. At school I just have to open Radioss, choose the file.rad I made with hypercrash and the calculations begin. But with the SE I can't figure how to do it. I tried to go to Analysis>radioss in hyperworks but it doesn't work.
Can someone help me ?
Can you see radioss in your desktop or windows button under altair hyperworks folder. If yes, just open it and run the starter and engine files.
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'Can you see radioss in your desktop or windows button under altair hyperworks folder. If yes, just open it and run the starter and engine files. '
No, I can do this with the complete version at school but not in the student edition..
'Please select the user profile as RADIOSS. In Analysis option you can run the RADIOSS file. '
I've tried this but a message appear on the bottom left corner: error: no nodes detected. Any other clue ?
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Hi Thibault,
No nodes found in the model error normally appears only when the software fails to find any models in the application.
Can you delete the settings files and retry running?
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I tried this but it isn't working.
I can run Radioss after I use hyperworks and not hypercrash to set my BC and all (but I don't know how to use hyperworks properly). It looks like radioss can't find anything when it's done with hypercrash..
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HyperCrash is also a preprocessor for RADIOSS. I tried the same and its working. After creating the model in HyperCrash, export it in RADIOSS format and import the same in HyperWorks, setting RADIOSS as user profile.
If you still face issues, I recommend you to record (using any screen recorder) the process and share so that we will get a better understanding.
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Ok I finally manage to figure out how to do this. I have to import the solver deck I made in hypercrash to hypermesh. But still there's errors, when I try to display the properties and materiels they are not assigned. Plus I don't see my BC anywhere..
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Normally the components assigned with materials and property cards in HyperCrash will be displayed when you import it to HyperMesh. Similarly load collectors also. Please ensure that you are in RADIOSS user profile in HyperMesh.