Output Block

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



1) Where do I find information on output blocks. In all the tutorials they tell me how to create them and what to enter into the field. But I want to know more specific what it means. For example, what is the meaning of choosing the 'TH File' (what does ATH, BTH, CTH, ect. mean), what does the field 'Number of Variables' influence, and entering 'DEF' into the field what does it mean and what other options do I have. All this tutorials don't really help me if they just tell to enter values but not explain what it really means and what alternative options are. 


2) My follow up question is: When I use output blocks accoring to a tutorial I can't open it in hypergraph. An error message appears when I try to open the TO1 file: 'File not recognized', 'Unable to recognize'. 


Thanks, J



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2018



    1). TH file is time history file, and the time history file contains the results of the analysis at sequential output intervals for a subset of elements, groups, parts, ..etc. The output contains variables such as total energies, accelerations, velocities, displacements, momentum, hourglass energy..etc. The time history file will be T01 file in the working directory.

    We can output many variables in time history file, and if the user wants to output 2 outputs he should keep number of variables as 2 and should enter the keywords for output. Instead we will output all default variables with keyword 'DEF'. In Help you will all output variables for each time history. For parts, search /TH/PART, interfaces-/TH/INTER, rigid body-/TH/RBODY...etc.

    You can also go through a webinar in RADIOSS at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxM52wP3_ew&list=PLQ7KUGFuVz4u5y3SvIEIU07427-gATaG6&index=1 where Chapter 6 deals with output blocks.



    2).In the engine file keep the time history keyword as /TFILE/4.

         4 is the default binary output, 1 is binary but not readable in HyperGraph. Always recommended to keep 4.


    Hope this helps. Please write to us if you still have doubts.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2018

    Thanks George, for the competent and elaborated answer. That helped a lot. 

    Best, J