Error opening results in AcuFieldView

I need help. I'm working on a linux based cluster(bash batch mode) and I am using it to calculate a case with acusolve. The case is computing and I'm downloading results to my PC with Win7 via FTP connection, but unfortunately I cannot read the data .Log on my PC's AcuFieldView because it's giving me an opening file error. What's more, in acuprobe I cannot see Output Surface in the value tree as it is when I compute anything on my PC. Is it because the case was calculated in Linux and I can't open the results in Win aplication? Should I then instal a Linux on my PC as well, then install the HW package and it's the only way to see the results? That's quite strange I think...
For AcuProbe, the .Log file itself only contains the information you show - regarding convergence of the run. If you want the actual results data for AcuProbe, the best option is to go into the problem directory on your Linux system and issue acuCpProbeFiles. ( acuCpProbeFiles -h will give you usage for other options that may be required.) This will create a directory PROBE.DIR that will contain the information you normally would see in AcuProbe - so you can bring that directory to Windows, and point to the Log file within that PROBE.DIR directory in AcuProbe.
The direct reader for AcuFieldView relies on the existence of the actual results data. The .Log file only provides a 'pointer' to that data. If you want to bring results data to Windows, the best option is to create AcuFieldView format files (.fv) on Linux, then bring those to Windows. You can create the fieldview format files through acuTrans or the acuOut GUI. Then in AcuFieldView you would use File > Data Input > AcuSolve [FV-UNS Export] and point to the .fv file.
You also have the option for running AcuFieldView in Client-Server mode, where you visualize on your Windows system while the data remains on the server. Please contact your regional support staff for assistance with setup for that approach.
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OK, so I did exaclty what you said and converting files using acuTrans did work and I could finally read the data I obtained on Linux but...I still can't read results in acuProbe although I used the acuCpProbeFiles app on Linux and it worked. After downloading the data from the server I get such prompt:
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Make sure you're using the same AcuSolve version on Windows as you are on Linux. My guess is you're using 14 on Linux, but 13 (as shown) on Windows.