Analysis NLGEOM with Inertia relief method
Hi, I'm working on a part where I have to apply inertia forces. The linear static analysis went well but for some loadsteps I've had to use non linear-quasistatic analysis method . One critical loadstep didn't converged and because of the high stresses and deflections I wanted to analyse it with geom non-linear (impl static).
Unfortunately I'm getting every time Error 4079 or Error 4002. I have already simplified the model and decreased the loads to 10N. I also tried different materialcards (MATS1 and MATX02) and decreased the critical timestep to 0.5e-20.
(I'm using HW12 on a 24-core machine.)
I don't know what else I can try
Hey, I simplified the model down to a pure tension loadcase and now it works. The problem was that the model was not in static equilibrium.