Evolve: Problem With Trim And Boolean Functions

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Hello together
I recently started with Inspire and Evolve.
I constantly run in the problem, that I'm not able to trim or use boolean functions in my models. Do you have any idea, what I'm doing wrong?
You can find my file in the dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtxcdzupsflc7km/1900611_2.evo?dl=0
Thank you very much.
Kind regards
OK, after some hours I found my fault. There were some planes collapsed, which the tolerance tool couldn't find.
After I manually pushed them back, everything worked finde.
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Klassische Polygonmodellierer schalten häufig zwischen der geglätteten und ungeglätteten
Ansicht hin und her,weil man die Topologie dann besser versteht.