Viscosity parameters for soft material property

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I am a beginer with Altair softwares (v12.0). I am working on modelling the compression of a soft silicon (similar to the skin).

I want to introduce viscosity in my model, so I chose a LAW42+prony serie (and I will try LAW82 too).

But when I create a property for the silicon, there are lambda_v and mu_v (navier stokes viscosity). And the only thing I know for now is that its viscosity is 20,000-30,000cps.
But I do not know what to set (even the unit recquired for those parameters... I am actualy [N mm g ms] system). Can you help me with this please?

Furthermore, I do not know what to set for the minimum time step (dt_min).




