Distance between two nodes as Output Response

Hi all,
I want to optimize the distance between two nodes in Hyperstudy. Is there a way to calculate the distance between two nodes with known ID's in the expression builder for Output Responses?
Please share more details about the problem definition and approach followed currently .
Do you want to optimize displacement? In what format you are importing design variable inside HyperStudy?
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I'm working on a forming simulation. As shown in the picture there is a gap occuring in the corner areas of the forming diem which isn't there in experimental tryouts. I think it may have something to do with my materialparameters.
So the plan is to run a optimization in Hyperstudy with my materialparameters as input variables and the distance between some nodes following this gap as output response. By minimising the distance between these nodes the gap should be closed and my materialparameters should fit the real materialbehaviour. Currently I'm importing the design variables by parameterized .rad file (template .tpl)
I hope this helps to understand my problem. Btw I'm fairly new to HyperStudy.
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Thanks for sharing information. I will check internally and update you same.
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Is the forming simulation done using Radioss? I think we can avoid gap in the corner areas at the forming stage. If possible, please share all forming file (.rad file and result file) for better understanding.After understanding the entire process, we would comment you on the HyperStudy part.
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Yes the simulation is done using Radioss. I've sent the files via your Dropbox. Thanks for taking the time to help me out!
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Thanks for sharing files.If possible please share .h3d file(result file) of the run.We will get back to you once we get any info.
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The .h3d file has also been put into your dropbox.
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Hi Rahul,
any news on the topic?
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Sorry I yet to get any active response internally for Forming simulation part. I will work on HyperStudy part and update you soon.
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Please find below response from my colleague for HyperStudy part.
You can defined distance with original coordinates x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 of two given nodes and directional displacement dx1 dy1 dz1 dx2 dy2 dz2of these two nodes:
distance = sqrt((x1+dx1-x2-dx2)^2+(y1+dy1-y2-dy2)^2+(z1+dz1-z3-dz3)^2)