Textlabels in Hypergraph-Template get reset

i am using report templates for HG with predefined text formats for axis titles, header, etc. When opening the blank template, everything appears as it should. However, when i load a binout history plot (from LS-DYNA) into one of the HG windows, the format of the labels is reset and i have to reformat them. Is there a solution to prevent the formats from resetting??
hi, did you try? did it work?
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Hi Florian,
I just had a work around with these options and seems to be working. Please update on your status.
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sorry, but where can i find the advanced plot option menu?
i found 'advanced build plots' under 'Misc*' menu, but can't open it because tehre is some tcl missing:
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i tried the following:
1. i loaded my template with the predefined formats
2. i opened advanced options in build plots menu, it shows different formats than the formats i defined in the template.
3. when i load a curve from binout, the resetting of formats is done again. THAT'S WHAT I DO NOT WANT!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
the advanced options are no use to me if i still have to redefine the formats everytime i load a curve...
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Hi Florian,
I'll update you on this issue soon.
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Hi G. P. Johnson,
are there some new insights to this ?
Regards, Florian