User Subroutine - ERROR ID 760

I use a User Subroutine in order to modeling delamination in composite structures.
My simulations worked when I worked with Radioss V12 but since yesterday, I have Radioss V14 and my simulations (for example a tension) no longer work. I get the error message :
| Segmentation Violation |
ERROR ID : 760
I don't understand the error. Do you have an idea of what it can be ?
Thank you.
Hi Ange Rogani,
Can you share the complete out files (starter out and engine out)?. But recommending to share the model (starter and engine files) files also with the out files so that it will be easy to trace the error.
Meanwhile, please see this link : where RADIOSS user's code interface is described.
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Hi M. Johnson,
Here are all the files for the simulation (starter and engine files), the out file and the dll file (result of the compilation of my user law).
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Furthermore, the link you gave me is for the 'RADIOSS USER’S CODE INTERFACE of Octobre 2011' but my simulations worked with RADIOSS V12 and it is when I pass to the V14 that the problem appens
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I already have read the help on User Subrtoutines and I didn't found the problem, that's way I have contacted you.
Did you found the solution of this issue ? It would be really usefull for me, I need to make some simulations very shortly.
Thank you.
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Hi Rogani,
Can you please share the out file (starter out) of the deck which you have ran in HW 12.0V?
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