Query Results from Optistruct Analysis

Hi everybody,
I created a Model with Inspire and exported the resutls as an *.fem-file. Trying to import this file into hyperview leads to a crash of hyperview.
Then I imported the fem- and the .stmod-file created by inspire into optistruct. Saving this model and trying to import this file into hyperview leads to a crash of hyperview.
Calculating the before saved model (.hm-file) leads to a new .fem-file. Trying to import this file into hyperview leads to a crash of hyperview.
Trying to import the model-file (.hm-file) file into hyperview leads to a crash of hyperview.
And I had it working before with a slightly different model.... and as I am working in a department where there are several different computers I was able to test this on different work stations.
What I want to do is, that I want to create a model, calculate the stress and the export it with the 'query results' function in Hyperview.
Any ideas? I'd be grateful for any kind of hint!
Hi Assad,
So you basically want to create a model and run the analysis using OptiStruct and export it (with Query results?), is that correct?
.fem file has the finite element information, boundary conditions etc... but it will not have any results. Try importing .h3d file into HyperView.
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Yes thank you, that works!
So after Querying my results and importing them into a vtk File for Paraview, I get a distorted surface. Because of that I checked the element connectivity and it appeared that there were two kinds of elements within my model. How can I make sure to only have one type of element being used in my model?
In my model I get 58767 Elements with 10 Nodes (210-Config) and 489 with two nodes (2-Config). The elements consisting of two nodes are not actually visible and their nodes are superimposed (placed on each other). That is confusing and I am not sure whats the use of it and if it might be the problem for my distorted volumes.
Additionally it might be interesting to know that if I am displaying the imported nodes in paraview there is no problem and no distortion. So the problem has to be somewhere within the element definition.
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Hi Asad,
You can hide the elements by config and export the displayed elements of interest.
Go to Mask panel(F5 is the shortcut)>> change to elements and double click on element selector>>element by config>>select the element config which you dont need>> click mask and export the displayed.