VWT time required

How much time on an average is required for VWT to complete the analysis completely. I've been waiting since 4 hours for a simple circular plate simulation.
My computer specs are i5 2.2 gigs
8GB ram
2gb amd radeon m330 graphic card.
On an average, give me an estimate of a fine tunnel mesh and a coarse mesh for transient conditions both road and tires moving of an FSAE race car perfectly meshed in hm
I run with 4 cores. The green bar won't move more than say 20%
I would say a coarse mesh should be done in 1-4 hours on such a machine. (lots of assumption though).
My guess is that you have issues with mesh generation and the run never started.
Check if CAD.DIR and MESHSIM.DIR were created in the run folder (Name_ of_Run _time_stamp).
This indicates that the meshing process was started. Open the file vwtAnalysis.MeshSim.txt in a text editor. This is meshing log file that indicates how far the meshing process went. In case volume mesh was successfully created, the last few lines of this file would be similar to:
Please follow the trouble shooting guidelines on:
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acuMeshSim: *** ASSERTION in Function <amsReadXml> File <amsReader.cpp> Line <62>acuMeshSim: *** There should be atleast one volume group
Date = Thu Dec 24 14:37:28 2015
Problem = vwtAnalysis
Run = 1
Hostname = SMAK
Platform = Whistler 6.2 unknown
Machine = win64
Release = 13.0
Release date = Jun 6 2014
acuMeshSim: --------------------------------------------------------------
What does it mean by there should be only one volume group. I have a simple rectangular meshed plate. And no free edges, so closed
It is partly submerged in the road......
BTW, thank you, ydigit
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Can you post a screenshot of HyperMesh, with the mesh and the component tree (in Model Browser)?
Does the rectangular plate have a volume? Or is it only in one plane? It would be best if you could upload the .HM file.