Exhaust system modelling

1. I am trying to model flow in exhaust gases with acusolve, I have inlet and two oulets , I am not sure in this case if backflow should be activated in the outlets or not , what is the difference between area exit option and mass flux option ,..... Also the tempearture is diffcult to converge compared to other variables pressure, velocity ,eddy viscosity. I found the initial temperature in the conjugate heat transfer tutorial is not changed (set to zero) do I need to change initial temperature from nodal initial condition. Please advise me how to upload the acusolve to revise the model settings. Is it better to send it to your dropbox. the model produce temperatures far from reality with negative values .
the gases are temperature of 550 K and the velocity is 40m/s at inlet, cooling flux of walls was set to -2500 W/m2
2. I would like to ask how to make acusolve start solving from last solution and not from run zero.
3. I would like to ask if you are setting convective cooling coefficient to 25 W/m2.K and ambient temperature to 303. do I need to leave the flux to zero.
Please advice how to make secure transfer of the acuconsule file to be revised.
Best to contact your local Altair support team.
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Dear ahmed,
To restart the run from previous time steps
while clicking acusolve icon for run,a dialog box open in which you must click on the restart ON and at the top of the dialog box click the Restart button which goes to next box in which you have to give the last timestep number of your previous run and Run the model