Non linear analysis
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
Hi All.
I am running a non-linear quasi static analysis for a fan shroud, using tensile stress strain curve. I,m getting an error that ''the values present in TABLES1 should be either in ascending or descending order''. But by stress- strain curve are not in that order. Please see the attached document..
Hi Vijay,
Can you paste an image of TABLES1 and MATS1 cards?
I can see that you have plastic data in Table. In Tables1. The data must be in ascending if type is set to PLASTIC in MATS1 card.
If TYPSTRN=0, the first point must be at the origin (X1 = 0, Y1 = 0) and the second point (X2, Y2) must be at the initial yield point (Y1) specified on the MATS1 entry.