MotionSolve Flex Multibody Dynamics Analysis and Radioss Explicit MBD Analysis Stress non-convergency

i am a graduate student in ITU Aeronautical Engineering(IDP). i am preparing my thesis. The issue of my Thesis is Flexible multibody analysis of a Landing Gear of a Training Plane.
When i analysed the system, i need to compare the results with real test datas. i couldnt achive tests, because of time constraints and very expensive. i think that the closest results can be explicit dynmaic analysis. when i arrenged the explicit dynmaics model and run. i saw there arent any correlation between flex mbd and exp. dynamics anylsis in the same boundry conditions.
Can you help me to solve this problem.
i asked this question to turkish distrubuter, they get rid of me because of thier job jam.
Unfortunately my deadline is very strict, i have to deliver the thesis as soon as possible.
My all datas ar in the link below. The model, solved files and the video files.
in this problem when the plane landed, the oleo strut make displacement 160mm. During this action observing stresses on the structure, and the 434 steel's compitability for this work.
i will be happy for helping me.
Thanks for everything.
Best Regards.
Yours sincerely.
i am waiting your response. Thanks for your intention.
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Arent there anyone to help me?
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Hi @tdk
There are two types of fexible methods available in MotionSolve. One is linear and the other is non-linear.
The former uses CMS analysis with which the deformation is defined using a set of spatial mode shapes and time dependent modal coordinates. Such a body is linearly flexible meaning that it cannot handle non-linear or “large” deformations.
RADIOSS uses different solving methods for linear and nonlienar problems, So we are comparing two different different solving methods and MotionSolve doesn't solve for larger deformations
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Tank You Prakash, i am glad to your answer. i give the links at my topic above. do you have chance to look? i would like to ask you that how can i install non-linear flex-mbd analysis on motionsolve. i wwant to try to compare non-liner flex dynamics and explicit dynamics analysis.
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Starting from 14.0 NLFE MV/MS has NLFE feature. But this comes with limitations.
Right now NLFE only supports 1D elements.
Please refer to NLFE on MotionView/MotionSolve help for more information on the same.