Trimming an already Trimmed Blank

Hi everyone, first post here /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
I am having trouble trimming a blank.
I formed a blank, trimmed it, formed it again, and need to trim a second time before continuing with the next stage. When I try to trim the already trimmed blank the second time, I get segmentation crashes. I can trim areas that have not yet been trimmed no problem, but when I try to trim an area that had already been trimmed once before, it either crashes or it messes up the elements around the trimline.
Is it possible to trim a blank in an area that has already been trimmed once before in a previous stage ?
Hello B3N___1,
It is possible to trim blank many time as u want. One of best & easiest option for trimming is available in Main Menu - Setup - Advance - trimming.
There u need to choose some trim line & other parameters.
In order to complete forming of below component (multistage forming) i trimmed it two time.
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Hi Gajendra
Could you please show me a video of you setting up and then performing a trim operation on a component and then forming it after ? I want to make sure I am doing this right. Would be very much appreciated.
Also, did your trims overlap each other ? Like an area got trimmmed, then formed, then trimmed again ? Thanks so much!
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Hello B3N___1,
For only trimming step i'm uploading video. please have a look.
In my previous comment image i trimmed it 2 time and form it two time.
Process sequence was -
Forming1 - Trimming1 - Forming2 - Trimming2
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This is my blank with 3mm elements. The red is my trim line. Notice when I trim, the elements around the trimline get smaller. I noticed this doesn't happen with your example. I should mention that I'm using Hyperform Solista v12. Is this due to a setting ? I'm wondering that perhaps whatever is causing this might be part of or the entire problem.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Hello B3N___1,
It is very obvious to change element size during trimming operation. In many case may adjacent elements are missing. However, in HW latest versions these things are improved.