frequency analysis

I need some help to perform the frequency analysis using Optistruct profile in Ls-dyna as a solver.
Input : Impulse excitation, A medium impact hammer with a soft tip (uniform input out of 50Hz) shall be used
Impact in the fore/aft direction , next to accelerometer.
Change the accelerometer orientation to lateral,and impact the it in the lateral direction.
Output. Aquire data out to at least 50Hz with frequency delta as close to 0.25Hz as possible. (modal frequency in all X, Y, Z direction)
How can i apply these inputs in my product, which dyna card ? any tutorial ?
Please let me know if i missed some input info.
Thanks a lot in advance..
Hi @aagarwan
Could you please elaborate what do you mean by using OptiStruct profie in LS dyna solver?
Altair Forum User said:using Optistruct profile in Ls-dyna as a solver.
Do you mean converting OptiStruct deck to Dyna? If yes, you can goto Tools Menu>> Convert>> OptiStruct to LS Dyna.
If you are looking want to set up a deck for Dyna solver in HyperMesh, then you have to be LS Dyna profile.
We suggest you to get in touch with Dyna solver to know what cards are required to set up a frequency analysis in Dyna. Then we can help you find the cards in HyperMesh and proceed further.