EdemPY problem with using "getBinnerProperty"

John Larsson
John Larsson Altair Community Member
edited 2023 08 in Community Q&A


I am currenlty trying to use the "getBinnedProperty", but I am recieving the following error message

"ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 3 dimensions. The detected shape was (5, 5, 5) + inhomogeneous part." 

This happens for all choices of numX,numY and numZ, except 1. The code I used was 

"deck.timestep[1].particle[1].getBinnedProperty(numX,numY,numZ)" where I tried to vary numX-Z. The deck is correctly imported, and the timestep as well as particle also is correct.  

Any ideas what might cause this problem? 



  • Renan
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 08

    Hi John,

    To fix this you just have to change line 171 of the getBinnedProperty function from "return numpy_asarray(binnedValues), xBinCoords, yBinCoords, zBinCoords" to "return numpy_asarray(binnedValues, dtype=object), xBinCoords, yBinCoords, zBinCoords"

    Best regards,