Pressure values not appearing on legend

I ran VWT steady state analysis (10 time steps). After the analysis, in the report, I have all the data for pressure contours, coefficient etc.
But, I can't see the values associated with them ?
For e.g. - pressure/velocity contours , the value obtained is not available on the legend,
For drag plots, no information is there on the x.y axis .Snapshot attached.
I had run same analysis on my friend's system - there I could see the values in each figure.
Kindly help me in sorting this out. Is there any setting , I need to change w.r.t my system ?
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you
This is strange and I have never seen this. It might be a system or installation issue. Try reinstalling AcuSolve and VWT, with latest updates. Your local Altair support might be in better position to address this.
Another option could be to run the acuVwtReport manually as specified in the help menu of VWT.