Frequency response analysis

hello everyone
I am new to Frequency response analysis in radioss
I am having a pipe attached to the compressor with internal pressure
i want to perorm the FRF analysis on it should i include the pressure in analysis
2.what should be my excitation in RLOAD
I already done the tuts available on this but i didnt understand anything
1.what is unit load defined in tut and why it is defined?
thank you
Hi Sagar,
the exication can be load in your case.
Apply pressure on elements using Analysis>>Pressure panel.
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thannk you very much for reply
yeah i have directly defined pressure and used in excitation
still i have few doubts
1.we define the FREQi range of frequency in which we want to record response,r8?
2.what we define in TABLED1
3. and this analysis means we are applying the pressure sinusoidally ,R8?
thank you
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Hi Sagar
1) Yes, this set of freq will be used in the solution of FRA
2)TableD1 is used to define frequency dependent loads (Load Vs Freq)
3)Depeends on your loads and BCs
4)COUPMASS depending on choice either lumped mass matrix or coupled mass matrix are used for analysis. WTMASS is used as a factor for the structural mass matrix