SPH Method

Hi Duong,
The error shows regarding the material and property assigned to the component. Please make sure that proper material and property cards are assigned to the component.
If you still face trouble, please share the model and out (_0000.rad and _0000.out) files.
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Hi George,
I take material and property for compernent the same as video.
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Hi Duong,
There are multiple errors in the model created.
Please assign the curves for the imposed displacement and gravity load collectors defined in the model.
Please recreate the interface. Master surface is not updated in the model. Once an interface is defined, please click on review option to ensure that interface is defined.The master surface is displayed in blue, the slave surface is displayed in red color.
Pat number 1 (tank) was not assigned with material and property, Please assign the component with material and property cards.
There are many penetrations in the model. I recommend you to recreate the SPH particles and assign the material and property.
Please refer the example 22 also in our Help Menu which is Ditching using SPH.
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thank bro !