Virtual Wind Tunnel Stuck at 80%
Recently had VWT Installed, V2017.2 (with AcuSolve2017.2.1)
Trying to run a basic simulation but it always stops at 80%
This occurs with transient and steady state simulations
Running to hard drive directory with plenty of space
Can anyone shed some light on this issue for me?
My last iteration from vwtAnalysis.1.txt is as below:
acuSolve: Time-Step= 100 ; timeInc= 1.000000e+009 ; time= 9.900000e+010
acuSolve: Flow stagger 'flow': FORM-LHS
acuSolve: pressure res ratio = 3.776539e-006
acuSolve: velocity res ratio = 9.769020e-006
acuSolve: CGP No iterations = 52
acuSolve: CGP 0/1/n norms = 5.449244e-007 5.217784e-007 5.448673e-009
acuSolve: GMRES No iterations = 134 (13.40)
acuSolve: GMRES 0/1/n norms = 2.661285e-006 2.311796e-006 2.649179e-007
acuSolve: pressure sol ratio = 1.862342e-003
acuSolve: velocity sol ratio = 1.303241e-002
acuSolve: Turbulence stagger 'turbulence': FORM-LHS
acuSolve: eddy-visc. res ratio = 4.039828e-003
acuSolve: GMRES No iterations = 58 (1.45)
acuSolve: GMRES 0/1/n norms = 1.433289e-009 8.188652e-010 1.417245e-011
acuSolve: eddy-visc. sol ratio = 9.441203e-003
acuSolve: CFL timeInc = 5.486291e-006
acuSolve: Step CPU/Elapse time = 5.829800e+001 1.460500e+001 Sec
acuSolve: ----------------------- End Time Step -----------------------
acuSolve: Input CPU/Elapse time= 6.879000e+000 7.363000e+000 Sec
acuSolve: Output CPU/Elapse time= 2.252780e+002 5.640200e+001 Sec
acuSolve: Exchange CPU/Elapse time= 8.661000e+000 2.094000e+000 Sec
acuSolve: CPU/Elapse time= 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 Sec
acuSolve: Flow stagger 'flow':
acuSolve: No of res/lhs formations = 100 100
acuSolve: Elem.Form CPU/Elapse time= 8.339310e+002 2.089570e+002 Sec
acuSolve: Solution CPU/Elapse time= 3.475465e+003 8.702680e+002 Sec
acuSolve: Turbulence stagger 'turbulence':
acuSolve: No of res/lhs formations = 100 100
acuSolve: Elem.Form CPU/Elapse time= 5.489090e+002 1.373800e+002 Sec
acuSolve: Solution CPU/Elapse time= 3.695980e+002 9.252800e+001 Sec
acuSolve: Total CPU/Elapse time = 5.654318e+003 1.421789e+003 Sec
acuSolve: Total Memory Usage = 5.738906e+002 Mbytes
acuRun: -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
acuRun: Mon May 7 12:09:41 2018
An update on this one
The simulation completes and I can use the .log file from the run directory in AcuFieldView
What doesn't complete is just the VWT pdf report
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I believe the necessary files for the report generation were removed from the installation for a while, but I think they are included again in the latest patch. Make sure you have 2017.2 and the 2017.2.1 HotFix.