How to artificially modify strain rate?

I am doing simulations with strain rate dependant constitutive laws. My model being large, I need a few days to compute 10ms of time. However, I need to analyze longer phenomena.
I already use /KEREL in the engine but this does not erase all the dynamic effects. Is there a way to force the constitutive laws and the model's kinematics/dynamics to be consistent with a specific strain rate, without lengthening the computing time?
Thank you,
Sorry for the late reply.
The /KEREL option (Kinetic energy relaxation) sets the nodal velocities to zero, in the point of maximum kinetic energy.
This is, when the system is passing the equilibrium position.Below link contains pdf file for Radioss computation speed.
I advise you to have a look at the study performed by the HPC Advisory Council.
They made a scalability study with RADIOSS based on NEON 1 million frontal car crash.
Their report can be found at :
There is also a presentation I made at HPC Advisory workshop at ISC’13 based on their study:
Rahul R
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Hi Leo,
Have you tried with Dynamic relaxation which will damp out vibrations by introducing nodal damping?
You can try with /DYREL if the above is not helpful.