density of the concrete plates

ich want to optimize the density of the concrete plates in OptiStruct.
The Variablen are just only five type density of Materials (rho1 rho2 rho3 rho4 rho5),
constrain: von mies stress sigma: sigma = 0.01*density
objekt: Weightoptimization.
how can i define the density variablen and constrain in OptiStruct?
Best Regards, /emoticons/default_tongue.png' alt=':P' srcset='/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
Hi 9527kun,
I think this should be possible using DEQUATION.
But, could you please let us know whether you want the density as sum of all RHO#s or any other expression?
Using Function response you can either create an equation and use the same as a response or use any of the available functions and refer densities through DTABLE and use the same as a response.