cables - and advanced support settings
i have two questions:
1: is it possible to do cables in Inspire? I want to optimize nodes that are part of the substructure of a table that works with cables made of twisted steel-wire, so the cables should take no buckling and only tension should aplly on them, how could i do that in Inspire? i tried via the custom material settings by changing the materials properties, but without satisfying results.
2: can i do custom supports that allow the table legs to not move in negative z-direction (because the floor stops them), but that can move upwards in positive z-direction and in x and y? because for now i can only block the z-movement both up- and downwards at the same time, not in particular. i tried by not assigning supports, but only movement limitations in z-downward direction, but then the optimization would fail
any help would be much appreciated!
Hi Phil,
1: You could use the 'Motion' module in Inspire. By using 3 cablelike solids, connected with sherical contacts, then will be able to submit tension only.
2.:You can activate 'Degrees of Freedom' by double clicking at a support you created (there are threads inside this forum about this, as well as in the Inspire Help). To have a specific direction blocked, you will need 'seperating contacts' and a contact defined between the table leg and the floor (solid or shell).
Please be aware, that for the whole model, you have to restrict anywhere every direction at least once.