Spots and Conections

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A

I have a few Questions to SimSolid.

How can I change a once created Spots (Create Spot for forces etc.) and where can I select / find them in the model tree? If several Spots laying over each other it is very difficult to select them correctly.

Is there a possibility to create Spot pattern, not Spot welds?

How can I suppress Spot areas for design studies?

How can I identify fast and easy the connection between two bodies?

Review part connections isn't that useful,

I have parts that have several thousand connections to other parts.

It would be nice if I could select only the parts I’m interested in and find only the connections between these parts.

Why can't I hide / show several assemblies at once and have to switch them one by one?



  • Ken Welch_20461
    Ken Welch_20461
    Altair Employee
    edited 2019 04

    Wow, many questions. Probably best to talk to an Altair technical representative directly but I will try to answer a few:

    1. Spots are found in the Project tree under the part that they are defined on
    2. Not possible to create spot patterns at this time
    3. Cannot suppress a spot, just don't apply any BC to it and it will be ignored in the simulation
    4. Use Add/edit part connection to create connection between two specific parts
    5. Right click on a part and select Review part connection. this will only show you the connection to the specific part you selected
    6. In the project tree use CTRL and SHIFT to select multiple sub-assemblies then right menu select and Hide/Show