HyperForm Setup for both side close ring forming process

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


Dear All,

I'm new to  HyperForm. Want to predict spring back, % thinning of the blank.

process of manufacturing closed ring is mentioned in the image below, Please revert with the same.

I have blank,  punch and die model of every stage

If anyone worked on similar kind of simulation, please revert with simulation process.

processes are as follows,

1. blanking, where blank of required size is to be cut.( i have solid model of both punch and die)

2.cupping, where forming of blank is done wrt punch and die dimenssions

3. trimming, where central portion of formed part is cut off.

4. closing of upper lips.


want to check spring back, wrinkles(if present) and % thinning at every stage. and how can i compensate spring back in to die or punch design.





  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2018

    Hi Ganesh,


    • For stage 1, to get the flat blank of the required shape , you can use ' Radioss one step' process. you will be needing the geometry of the component ( Final shape).You can use the attatched tutorials ' HF-1000_one_step'  and 'Materials_one_step' for feasibility check and material creation for 'Radioss one step' process. 
    • For next stages involving the tools  and springback analyses, you have to use 'Incremental radioss' to set up the decks. please refer the tutorial  'Material_Incremental radioss' to create material. the Flat blank geometry from the 'Radioss one step' can be the input for the First stage of the incrmental process ( cupping)
    • To set up these stages individually, You can either use 'user-process' or 'Auto-process' options  or all stages  together using 'Multistage manager' . attaching the tutorials with respect to the same and also for trimming and springback for reference. 
    • To post process the results, you may follow this post below for more details 

    Hope this helps




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