Replicate -- Step For Equal Spacing Of Scaled Objs

Is there a step for equal spacing between objs that are transformed, i.e. scaling?
There is a lot of space between the starting objects and a lot of overlap towards the end. Also, can I pick more than one object to Replicate at a time?
The spacing is calculated between object center and this is why it starts overlapping as it scales. I will put this request for enhancement.
As for selecting multiple objects at once, no it is not supported at the moment. Can you show me an example where you might need this? An image or a link to one is sufficient. I would like to understand your requirement clearly and see if we can implement it.
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Thank you Arjun. Can we hold off on the feature request for now? I'm just trying to get a feel for Evolve and what it can do.
An example is that I use one obj (either a circle or a square) for precision spacing with a set of strict rules. Straight lines are easy, but on corners I need to visually inspect them and adjust for problems. Then I have secondary items, i.e. one for a client rendering, an alternate for prototyping, etc.
Since there is a parent to child relationship, is there a way to do a matrix transformation from the parent to the children? If I orient the secondary items to the parent, is there a way to move/scale/rotate them into place? That way Replicate is tied only to the critical spacing object, it would keep the model light as I'm working on it, and then allow me to move heavier geometry into place at the end.