EDEM Tutorials

Below you can find links and details about Altair® EDEM™ tutorials and scripts on Altair Community
If you are new to the Discrete Element Method, we have e-learning and online training sessions in addition to the Altair How-To YouTube series.
Introductory tutorials designed to give familiarity to the EDEM user interface, creating materials and importing CAD
- EDEM Conveyor example, introducing particle shapes and conveyor kinematic
- EDEM Screw Auger example, introducing material to rotating geometry
- Rock Box using Mixed Shape Solver (Polyhedral + Spheres)
- How to model Polyhedral Particles
Tutorials outlining the different physics models in EDEM
- Tavares Breakage for SAG Mill
- Learn how to use the Linear Elastic Bonded Model model for solids and soft soils
- How to use the 1-way coupling to introduce a flow field and calculate Lift and Drag forces
- Printer based tutorial for Electrostatics and Tribocharging
- How to use the Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Adhesion model and the Hysteretic spring for Tablet Press simulations
- How to model conductive Heat Transfer with DEM
For Heat Transfer you can customise the physics, for example, to include geometry as a heat source. For the 1-way coupling you can also customise the physics as shown here and here, or for coupling EDEM to AcuSolve either 1-way (Unidirectional) or 2-way including heat and mass transfer, the tutorials are here:
Tutorials for different EDEM Applications
- How to use the bonded particle model to generate flexible materials for cutting (e.g. mowers and grass cutting)
- Using Spherocylinders with bonds for flexible materials
- Model a transfer chute with the discrete element method and introduce cohesive materials with the JKR model
- How to setup a Slatted Conveyor belt in EDEM
- How to model Mixing in a Tablet Coater, focussing on the post-processing
Or if using EDEM BulkSim we have transfer chute and material modeler tutorials for this.
For custom EDEMpy custom analysis you can get started here:
There are lots of EDEMpy examples on Altair Community, for example:
- Script for computing the temporal evolution of the Lacey mixing index for a binary mixture of particles in EDEM
- Script for Computing Radial and Tangential Velocity Components of a Particle
You can also benefit from the knowledge of experienced EDEM users. We have a series of webinars presented and recorded for on-demand viewing, you can see the EDEM Webinars here:
And more presentations from ATCx Discrete Element Method 2022
Material Calibration and Advanced functionality
To start with EDEM calibration please see the e-learning materials:
Or our blog:
Tutorials can be found here:
- How to introduce blocks of material to a simulation with the EDEM Block Factory
- How to improve simulation speed by freezing particles using Dynamic Domain
- How to improve simulation speed by reducing the domain size using Cylindrical Periodic Boundaries
- How to calibrate discrete element materials, use EDEM batch and EDEMpy
Some further details on how to use EDEM Batch Mode:
For Calibration of EDEM results with Hyperstudy you can use the Hyperstudy-EDEM link:
And here Lead Engineer Stefan Pantaleev discusses Machine Learning and Optimisation for EDEM processes:
EDEM Multi-Physics Tutorials
- EDEM + Hypermesh for FEA analysis of DEM results. Using Optistruct with EDEM
- Use SimSolid with EDEM for structural analysis
- Multi-Body dynamics (MotionSolve) - EDEM
- AcuSolve EDEM Tutorials
For 3rd party couplings
- EDEM- RecurDyn Quick Start Guide
- EDEM Tutorial: EDEM-RecurDyn - Simulating the Brazil nut effect
- EDEM-OpenFoam Coupling
- EDEM - Adams Tutorial - Screw Propeller
- Altair EDEM Coupling for Ansys Fluent
- EDEM-Fluent Tutorials
How to customise EDEM with the API
- EDEM API Tutorial 1: Particle Replacement
- EDEM API Tutorial 2: Plug-in Contact Model
- EDEM API Tutorial 3: Variable Cohesion
- EDEM API Tutorial 4: Field Data Coupling
- EDEM API Tutorial 5: Relative Wear Analysis
- EDEM API Tutorial 6: Debugging (Snooker Factory)
- EDEM API Tutorial 7: Hertz-Mindlin with Pressure Calculation
- EDEM CUDA API Tutorial 1: CPU API to CUDA API Conversion
- EDEM CUDA API Tutorial 2: CUDA Custom Properties and Parameters
If you are looking for further information on EDEM we have plenty more on Altair Community:
Thank you good man, your tutorials are incredible.
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Are there any directory for python codes? Which lists and explains all functions?
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Qin He said:
Are there any directory for python codes? Which lists and explains all functions?
You can find EDEMpy documentation here https://help.altair.com/edem/topics/using_edem_py/edempy_c.htm