Live Webinar: Breaking the Mold - Altair Inspire Mold Product Launch

Altair Employee
edited November 2020 in Altair HyperWorks

With automatic mold generation, instantaneous configuration testing, and always-3D adaptive computation, our design simulation technology is mind-bogglingly fast, friendly, and accurate.

Get a better understanding of part filling, packing, cooling, warpage, while reducing molding defects long before a mold is designed.

The results?

  • Reduce concept and testing times from days to hours, and hours to minutes
  • Cut product development costs
  • Make better product design decisions early
  • Deliver production-ready tools on time and on budget

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Webinar Q&A

Is the coupling between Molding and Optimization in the Altar Inspire roadmap?

Inspire Mold is part of Inspire, which can do a design optimization based on performance criteria and manufacturing constraints.


Can fiber orientation tensor results be exported to Digimat? The same for weld lines position results.

Yes, you can use Altair solvers to complete multiphysics simulations after an injection molding simulation or export data to 3rd party applications.


Does Inspire Mold support over-molding?

Yes, Inspire can simulate over-molding using existing components.


Can warped shapes be exported?

Warped shapes can be exported using Altair solutions.


Does Inspire Mold support residual stresses (even after warping), so that this can be used in further FEA?

The Altair team has developed a workflow to use results from injection molding solutions for structural analysis such as FEA, NVH, Fatigue, and so on.


Can you import tool geometry, for example, cooling channels, high conducting tool inserts, and so on?

Yes, you can import parts such as mold, cooling lines, and inserts, and then use them in Inspire Mold for simulations.


Does Inspire Mold only work on geometry or can it also be used on a mesh?

Inspire Mold works on geometry. Altair injection molding simulations can import mesh/stls to create geometry easily and/or use for injection molding simulations.


Can the material data somehow be found directly in Inspire Mold without needing to edit all of the parameters by hand?

Yes, Inspire Mold has an extensive material database. You can also add custom materials if needed, or import materials from Altair's Material Data Center.


How can the user evaluate the confidence in the results? For example, is it possible or necessary to achieve a mesh size sensitivity analysis?

Yes, our team has done extensive correlation studies and benchmarked solvers against test/physical cases. We have also worked with many industries on real-world applications during the product development phase.


Will there also be a Linux version available in the future?

Altair's injection molding solution can be run on Linux today.


Is it possible to include the molding tool in the molding simulation? Calculate Stresses, temperature distribution, and so on?

Yes, you can import mold components for the simulation.


Has optimization been integrated into Inspire? Can HyperStudy drive Inspire Mold?

Optimization is an existing functionality of Inspire, and can also be used when working with HyperStudy.


Is simulation a part of other products or is it a standalone solution?

Inspire Mold is a part of the Altair Inspire platform, which is a separate installer.


What kind of workstation is Inspire Mold running on?

Inspire Mold is available for Windows machines. A typical workstation used for CAD is a good starting point. It is recommended that you use a machine that has 32GB of memory with 8 cores.


Can ejection forces be simulated too?

Yes, ejection force is part of our results quantity.


Is there any DOE feature (or any optimization function) planned in the roadmap?

HyperStudy can be used with the injection molding solver to run DOE studies.


Is it possible to post-process residual stress as well?

Yes, the Altair team has developed a workflow to use results from the injection molding solutions for structural analysis such as FEA, NVH, Fatigue, and so on.


  • Wolfgang Weiß
    Wolfgang Weiß Altair Community Member
    edited August 2022

    Dear Danielle,

    Regarding your webinar-answer "Yes, you can import parts such as mold, cooling lines, and inserts, and then use them in Inspire Mold for simulations." I have the following question:

    How is it possible, to import and use an existing CAD-design within Inspire Mold. Do you have any Tutorial on that? I cannot find the information on how to designate an existing tool design.




  • AltairLiz
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022

    Dear Danielle,

    Regarding your webinar-answer "Yes, you can import parts such as mold, cooling lines, and inserts, and then use them in Inspire Mold for simulations." I have the following question:

    How is it possible, to import and use an existing CAD-design within Inspire Mold. Do you have any Tutorial on that? I cannot find the information on how to designate an existing tool design.




    It might be helpful and you may get an answer faster, if you post your question in the Inspire Mold forum at Inspire Mold Forum