*** ERROR # 3015 ***

Byshel Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I want to do a non-linear static simulation on my model.
I imported the TABLES1 data, but I have the simulation which displays an error message.
Here is the message:


 A fatal error has been detected during input processing:
  *** ERROR # 3015 ***
  The first point (X1,Y1) specified on the TABLES1 bulk data entry ID=1
  does not satisfy (zero,non-zero) requirement. The initial yield stress
  can not be zero.
 *** Run terminated because of error(s) in the input data.

in image the data of my TABLES1


I don't understand or have the problem.
Thank you for your help.


the file also as an attachment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Capture.JPG

Unable to find an attachment - read this blog


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2020

    Hi Byshel,


    please take a look at the MATS1 documentation in the help.

    MATS1 references the TABLES1 card that is presenting this error.



    If TID is given, TABLES1 or TABLEG entries (Xi,Yi) of stress-strain data ( εε x,Yx) must conform to the following rules:

    If TYPE=PLASTIC, the curve must be defined in the first quadrant. The data points must be in ascending order. If the table is defined in terms of total strain (TYPSTRN=0), the first point must be at the origin (X1=0, Y1=0) and the second point (X2, Y2) must be at the initial yield point (Y1) specified on the MATS1 entry. The slope of the line joining the origin to the yield stress must be equal to the value of E. If the table is defined in terms of plastic strain (TYPSTRN=1), the first point (X1, Y1), corresponding to yield point (Y1), must be at X1=0. TID may reference a TABLEST entry. In this case, the above rules apply to all TABLES1 tables pointed to by TABLEST.




    This means that if you choose typestrain = 0, you will use the whole stress-strain curve (starting from 0,0), like you've sent.

    If typestrain is set to 1, then the solver expects only the plastic strain x stress, so your TABLES1 should start with (0, YieldStress).



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>stress_strain.png

  • Byshel
    Byshel Altair Community Member
    edited June 2020

    Salut Byshel,


    veuillez consulter la documentation MATS1 dans l'aide.

    MATS1 référence la carte TABLES1 qui présente cette erreur.




    Cela signifie que si vous choisissez typestrain = 0, vous utiliserez toute la courbe contrainte-déformation (à partir de 0,0), comme vous l'avez envoyée.

    Si la contrainte de type est définie sur 1, le solveur n'attend que la déformation plastique x contrainte, donc votre TABLES1 doit commencer par (0, YieldStress).



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>stress_strain.png

    Thank you,
    I took the data in dial 1 and the simulation succeeded.

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2020

    great. just take care, if you're using plastic strain curve, as you need to make the correction, as pointed in the documentation.