getting unusual transient animation modes in Direct Transient analysis

Performing Direct transient simulation with Acceleration excitation but animation mode is not good as attached video.
before transient analysis, the free-free modal analysis had performed and got the same kind of animation.
please give suggestion to solve this issue.
Thank you,
Narasimhamurthy,Can you check if your boundary conditions are correct. Is the part fixed only on the left or there are any more constraints that are missing.The best way is to debug at modal analysis with practical real life constraints-instead of doing a free-modal.With free modal you can check if all contacts are working right. For your model i will advise to hold on the transient analysis and first fix at modal analysis level.0
there is no any contact issue. please find attached free-free modal analysis animation.
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can ypu describe better what are you trying to accomplish? What is your loading curve?
It looks like you're having a large value for displacement or rotation, but you dindt show the contour values.
What about your material properties?^Are they correctly defined? Thicknesses are ok?
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Narasimhamurthy Shivanna said:
there is no any contact issue. please find attached free-free modal analysis animation.
In your modal animation seems you have constrained 2 ends of the tube. But in transient animation it seems only one end of the tube is constrained. Can you please check the constraints in transient animation.