What’s New in EDEM 2021.1?

David Curry
David Curry
Altair Employee
edited December 2021 in Altair HyperWorks

What’s New in EDEM 2021.1?

The latest release of EDEM includes new wear models, an export to SimSolid, expanded functionality for polyhedral particles, geometry improvements, and more! This post covers the key highlights of this release.

New Built-in Wear Options

EDEM 2021.1 further expands the range of wear models available within the software by delivering a new built-in Oka wear model, as well as enabling geometry surface deformation for both this and the Archard wear model.

Wear Model with Geometry Deformation

A new contact model for wear has been introduced in EDEM 2021.1 - the Oka wear model. This model includes calculation of wear rates due to impact of material on a surface. The Oka model includes an option to turn geometry deformation on or off. When the option is activated, the profiles of the geometry surface will deform during the simulation based on the defined values from the Oka model.


Capturing the impact wear of material on a centrifugal pump using the Oka wear model. Surface deformation is captured and can be scaled by the user to mimic accelerated damage conditions.

The Oka wear model is useful for applications where hard particles impact equipment at high velocities, including:

  • Silos and bunkers during the filling and discharge.
  • Walls, hoods, and deflection plates of transfer chutes.
  • Pipe bends, valves, and turbine fan blades with particle laden flows.

Archard Wear Model with Geometry Deformation

Geometry deformation has also been added to the Archard wear contact model.  This is an option that can be turned on for the Model in the physics options.  When enabled, the geometry surface profiles will deform according to the Archard wear values.


Archard wear capturing the abrasive wear on a transfer chute deflector plate. This wear model is now available with geometry deformation.

EDEM-SimSolid Data Transfer Capability

We have further expanded the options for EDEM data to be used as a realistic input into a structural analysis – we have introduced a one-way EDEM-SimSolid coupling capability. This is a post-processing option which generates appropriate load files for use with SimSolid.  Data export options allow an average over a series of time steps, multiple files per time step or a single time step to be exported. The data can be forces from mesh elements or individual particle to geometry contact forces.


Design your structures with realistic material loads from EDEM. The EDEM-SimSolid export capability enables the rapid transfer of high-fidelity inputs into SimSolid.

Expanded Functionality for Polyhedral Particles

In EDEM 2021, we introduced our polyhedral particle solver alongside our efficient multi-sphere methods. This solver is particularly beneficial in applications where either a specific shape is required or when dealing with high-aspect ratio shapes such as sticks or flat plates. In EDEM 2021.1, we are expanding the functionality that is available for these polyhedral particles.

Selections and Sensors are now available for use with Polyhedral particles to enable further bulk flow analysis. This allows Bin Groups, Grid Bin Groups and Manual selections to be used in the EDEM Analyst, to enable visualization, graphing, and data export of data from polyhedral particle simulation. The addition of sensors now allows users to add Mass Flow, Velocity, Total Mass, Segregation and Density sensors to the EDEM Analyst.


Selection groups using EDEM Polyhedral Particle shapes allows for tracking and analysis of phenomenon such as mixing with a drum.

Polyhedral particles can now be transferred into and out of the material database and polyhedral material blocks can now be generated.  This enables faster generation of large quantities of Polyhedral particles and defined polyhedral particles to be used in multiple simulations.  The material database stores the particle shape, particle properties, equipment materials, interaction properties and physics settings.


Quickly create large volumes of material using polyhedral shapes using the EDEM block factory. Material blocks can now be stored in the materials database for use in any simulation.

Finally, to help users simulate with a broader array of polyhedral particle types, we have introduced new options for particle shape import that ensure the imported shape is convex.  This new approach is based on meshing and will generate a shape compatible with the EDEM Polyhedral solver.

Improvements to Geometry Import and Rendering

To improve the user experience when importing geometries, an ‘Auto’ option for importing geometries has been added.  This will automatically calculate the average length of the CAD file which is being imported and set the element size appropriately.


Geometry Improvements in EDEM 2021.1 include greater control over CAD import, as well as improved visualization of CAD objects within the EDEM user interface.

In addition, geometry display has been improved. These improvements include faster frame rates when manipulating a model in a time step and better handling of semi-transparent geometries.  This will allow higher quality images and videos to be produced and faster analysis of simulations particularly when using complex geometries.

EEPA Parameter Estimator

The Edinburgh Elasto-Plastic Adhesion (EEPA) contact model is an extremely effective way of modelling materials that are cohesive and compressive in nature. In EDEM 2021.1, we have made it even easier to set-up materials using this model by introducing a tool to assist in defining parameters.  The parameter estimator generates two values - the Bond Number and the Critical Time step – to help users define appropriate levels of cohesion as a well as ensure that they are running their simulations at a rate that delivers stability.


Determine appropriate material inputs for the popular EEPA contact model. Helps users get to the right values, quicker for complex material behaviors.

Pratt Miller FlexTire – User Interface Driven Workflow for EDEM-MotionSolve

Pratt Miller FlexTire is an advanced, deformable tire model that has been designed specifically for use with EDEM soft-soil models. PM FlexTire is available via the Altair Partner Alliance. The EDEM 2021.1 release helps support users of MotionSolve to operate PM FlexTire by providing a smooth workflow between EDEM and the MotionView software. This includes capability to share tire geometry, as well as set static or dynamic air pressures through the EDEM UI.


Pratt Miller FlexTire (available via the APA) brings realistic tire deformation to EDEM soft-soil terrains and an improved workflow for EDEM-MotionSolve co-simulations.


Accessing EDEM 2021.1

EDEM 2021.1 is available now and you can download it from Altair One.



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