Questions about parameters in FATLOAD Load Collector

Hello everyone:
I've been trying to do the optistruct tutorial OS-T: 1340 Fatigue (Stress - Life) Method but I'm new in this area and I have some questions about FATLOAD and its parameters.
- What exactly is LDM and what realitonship has with the load of the subcase?
- I've seen that loads for each subcase are respectively 1250 N and 1000 N. However both load histories are between 1 and -1 and with a scale of 3. Why is like that? Shouldn't it be with a scale of 1000 one and 1250 the other?
- In the case that instead of a punctual load there's a pressure or moment in one subcase, load histories need to be scaled to N to be consistent or they can stay in the units of the subcase load (Nmm or N/mm^2)?.
- How would you represent in the fatigue analysis static loads that contribute to the stress of the model but don't vary cyclicaly?
I appreciate your time answering them.
Thank you for your answer.
I've read what you sent to me and the post and I think I kind of understood those parameters.
So actually the load history between 1 and -1 does not represent that the load is between 1 and -1 but between 1000 and -1000 (In my case). Is like if you multiply the load history by the magnitude of the load in the subcase right?
And Ldm is a scale factor to transform the magnitude of any load in the subcase which is not a punctual load to the magnitude it would have if it were a punctual load and to match in units with the load history?