Upgrading from 8 to 10? Any way to batch process projects with xml injection?

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited June 2018 in Community Q&A

Were currently migrating a lot of projects from one server to a newer one, during the process we've been manually opening each project in Monarch 10 and setting all the new default spaces then saving the project.

I was thinking:

A: there might already exist a tool to do a batch update on most of the .xprj and .xmod files to get us most of the way there or

B: Write some scripts that would inject/update xml tags in all the files and get the .xprj and .xmod that way.


Has anyone else had to try and mass update multiple projects at one time? Any suggestions?



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  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2018

    Yes, I have done this successfully.  Basically any program that will "search and replace" text files will be able to handle the task.  I chose Replace Studio Business Edition from Funduc Software.  If memory serves me correctly it allowed me to write a script and do multiple replacements using a wildcard selection.  The cost today is $30.  It did not even require me to think about it.  It save me more than that in time.

    Just a word of caution.  My first attempt at writing the script failed.  Make a backup of all your models/projects and do a test run on a couple of files before do them all.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2018

    Check to see if you have Monarch Utility (MonarchUtility.exe).  It is usually installed when Monarch is installed.  There should be an option once opened to "Manage external references in models or projects"...or something to that effect.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2018

    Check to see if you have Monarch Utility (MonarchUtility.exe).  It is usually installed when Monarch is installed.  There should be an option once opened to "Manage external references in models or projects"...or something to that effect.

    Yes we do have that tool available, unfortunately the paths and file names are not changing. But rather the defaults of Monarch between 8 and 10 are causing issues.


    Currently we have to manually open the project to reset the external lookups (the break, comes from monarch 8 - defaulting the external lookup table name as <filename> but now 10 looks for the default tablename "untitiled.) And from within the utility, the tablenames in the database don't seem to be refrenced.


    And there are now "replace with default values if null" in the database preferences. For which the utility doesn't seem to have an update for that, as far as I can tell.


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