Research of Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher Rotor Channels' Number Based on EDEM


D. R. Duan, F. Zhao, S. Wang


Information Engineering Research Institute


International Conference on Mechanical; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (MIME 2011)



The vertical shaft impact crusher virtual prototype model was established based on the EDEM to simulate the motion stage and mechanical properties cif rock materials flow in rotors with different number of channels. The results show that the structure of the vertical shaft impact crusher rotor with 6 channels is most reasonable and the accelerating effect is best. At the same time, the rotor with excessive channels will make most of particles leave the rotor without full acceleration. However, the fewer the number of rotor channels are, the fewer particles thrown off the rotor are in unit time, the longer accelerating time is, which can reduce the crushing efficiency.


Channel, EDEM, Rotor, Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher, Virtual Prototype Technology