Plot Macro to clean overlapping curve-X-vector


This Plot Macro will create a new curve that has a cleaned up X-vector based on selected original curves, that have an overlap in X. So the new curves' X-vectors are continuously increasing.


Plot Macros can be loaded through preference files, as the example attached.


To reference the preference file, the user has to invoke following menu from the HyperWorks GUI:



From here, the preference file has to be

1. Registered 

2. Selected in the preferences list

3. Loaded 



 Once successfully loaded, the label will appear in bold font:

Usage/Installation Instructions

If the original curve has such overlaps in X




you can use this Plot Macro to clean it.

From the Line Chart Ribbon, the Math Icon can be used to access the Plot Macros.


Select "X-vector overlap" and select the curve/s the calculation should be done on.

Selection can be done by either clicking into the field next to "Curve" label in the panel, and then use SHIFT+LMB to pick the curve graphically.

Or, use RMB on the "Curve" label in the panel and "select curves" in the appearing pop-up, to select curves from a tree.


Execute with Apply and see a new curve created for each original selected curve. The new curve is cleaned w.r.t. it's X-vector.