This Plot Macro will create a new curve that has a cleaned up X-vector based on selected original curves, that have an overlap in X. So the new curves' X-vectors are continuously increasing.
To reference the preference file, the user has to invoke following menu from the HyperWorks GUI:
From here, the preference file has to be
1. Registered
2. Selected in the preferences list
3. Loaded
Once successfully loaded, the label will appear in bold font:
Usage/Installation Instructions
If the original curve has such overlaps in X
you can use this Plot Macro to clean it.
From the Line Chart Ribbon, the Math Icon can be used to access the Plot Macros.
Select "X-vector overlap" and select the curve/s the calculation should be done on.
Selection can be done by either clicking into the field next to "Curve" label in the panel, and then use SHIFT+LMB to pick the curve graphically.
Or, use RMB on the "Curve" label in the panel and "select curves" in the appearing pop-up, to select curves from a tree.
Execute with Apply and see a new curve created for each original selected curve. The new curve is cleaned w.r.t. it's X-vector.