Parameterizing an EDEM-AcuSolve model in HyperStudy

Altair® EDEM™ is used to model storage and conveying of materials, mixing, segregation, breakage.  With heavy equipment EDEM is used for tool ground interaction, material flow optimization and durability analysis.  For more information about the wide range of EDEM applications you can see examples here:

In this post we are focussing on the design and operation of equipment that handles particle-fluid flows.  Particle-fluid flows can be virtually optimized using parameterized using EDEM-AcuSolve coupled models where the model parameterization is conducted in Altair HyperStudy using the EDEM-HyperStudy connector and HyperStudy's file editing functionality.

The fully configured model and all other requisite files for this example can be downloaded here:

This article details the parameterization workflow using the windshifter shown below as an example.

Case 1: Wind Speed at 15m/s

Particle velocity

Case 2: Wind Speed at 5m/s

Particle velocity

Fluid velocity

Fluid velocity

The HyperWorks CFD tutorial for Particle Separation in a Windshifter details the set-up of the 2-waycoupled EDEM-AcuSolve model.

Once you have the coupled simulation set up, export it as windshifter.inp by selecting File > Export > Solver Deck. 

Next, create a new study in HyperStudy, where the following steps will be performed:

  1.  Parameterization of the CFD solver deck (.inp file)
  2.  Parameterization of the EDEM deck
  3.  Automation of coupled simulation execution and data extraction

1. Parameterization of the AcuSolve model


2. Parameterization of the EDEM model


3. Automation of coupled simulation execution and data generation

All requisite files for this example can be downloaded here.

To see a how-to video on this topic, click here.

To learn about coupling EDEM and AcuSolve watch the Introduction to AcuSolve Computational Fluid Dynamics - EDEM coupling webinar