New and Improved capabilities in the new HyperGraph 2022 user interface

Lets take a look at some of the important new and improved capabilities in the HyperGraph new interface.

Table Client

Table client has been migrated to Qt

Dynamic Results

Plotting from HG while solver is running

Plot Colors

Color by file, axes and layer as well as multi window support


Stack Math 

Using Stackmath to Edit Curves

Cora and ISO curve correlation 

Use Cora and ISO to plot correlation metric between test and CAE

Extreme Curves 

Filter out maximum and minimum contributors from the displayed curves.

Flexible Report templates

 Access all template level actions, channel checking options and auto fill options in the main UI.

ASCII Reader Enhancements

LsDyna Reader enhancement to match binout and ASCII file TRC's.

HyperWorks Command (HWC) language, Record and Playback in HG

The HyperWorks Command (HWC) language records playback workflows in HyperView and HyperGraph, together with the handling of Sessions Report templates. Tasks performed in the browser, panels, or graphics area are recorded in a simple and intuitive syntax in the command history window below the panel.


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