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Sometimes you may unfortunately receive an error message saying your project files are corrupt and you are unable to properly start Workbench and access your SAS language programs. In this case your actual files and programs have probably *not* been lost but the metadata that the Eclipse framework needs to understand which…
If you have created a new default style but wish to return to the default one shipped with the software then you can use the TEMPLATE procedure with the DELETE statement. For example, PROC OPTIONS OPTION=SASUSER; RUN; PROC TEMPLATE; title "List the current styles before deletion"; list styles; run; PROC TEMPLATE; delete…
In order to use the Excel or Access engine (in 64-bit SLC) you need to have either MS Office (64-bit) or the AccessDatabaseEngine (64-bit) installed. The main dependency is to make sure that you have installed the AccessDatabaseEngine that matches the version of SLC you have installed on your server (64 bit) (go to…
We recommend using the IMPORT procedure to read delimited files, for example: /* READING IN CSV type data */ /* For a comma separated text file where the first line contains the variable names */ proc import datafile="input.csv" out=dataset dbms=csv replace; getnames=YES; run; /* For a semi-colon separated text file where…
If your jobs always run in the background and you wish to return to seeing the progress notification window appear, the most likely cause is that you have accidentally selected the [ ] Always run in background option at some point when the notification window was active. To return to the default way of working simply…
An HTML custom style is defined using the TEMPLATE procedure. For example, proc template; define style styles.custom; parent = styles.default; class SystemTitle / foreground = red ; class body / foreground = black ; class data / foreground = green /* background = purple */ ; end; run; Once the style is compiled it is…
You can define keyboard function keys to perform specific tasks in the workbench by using the following steps: 1. Goto Windows->Preferences->General->Keys 2. In the ‘type filter text’ at the top enter Run SAS and you should see the current binding for running a SAS program (usually Ctrl^R) 3. Go down to the Binding: input…
PLEASE NOTE Our Vertica engine is deprecated in 2024 and removed from the software in future versions. Vertica is accessed via an ODBC interface and so the unixODBC generic driver must also be installed and configured. The typical steps needed to connect to a Vertica database from Unix in 64-bit mode would be: 1. Make sure…
Download and unpack the kit called "ase157_winx64.zip" archive into a temporary directory and run setup.exe. The package installs both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of the Sybase drivers. e.g. create a Custom installation into C:\Sybase Make sure you select the 64-bit connector to match your 64-bit Altair SLC installation as…
PLEASE NOTE Our Vertica engine is deprecated in 2024 and removed from the software in future versions. SLC supports access to Vertica databases via the LIBNAME VERTICA engine. Vertica as a column-based storage system (developed from the open-source C-Store system) accessed via an ODBC interface. Vertica supplies an ODBC…
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