How do I save higlighted code to re-submit it?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited October 2023 in Altair RapidMiner

It is possible to save sections of highlighted code as workbench tasks. To do this simply:

1. Highlight the code you wish to repeatedly execute

2. Use Edit->Add Task and fill in a short keyword or description (the element, folder and line number should be pre-filled in). OK the form.

3. To view your tasks use Window->Show View->Tasks. A new tab should appear with a list of tasks, representing the pieces of highlighted code

4. Double click a task and the section of code should be re-highlighted ready to re-submit.

n.b. it is also possible to use CTRL-ALT-R to run the 'current' SAS language code step - the step where the cursor or selection is currently placed.